Palm kernel cake has been a staple food for many African countries and is also used as a dietary supplement. In Nigeria, it is considered to be the most important ingredient in Jollof Rice. It is made from ground-up palm kernels that have been boiled with water or milk then pounded into a paste using stones. The preparation of palm kernel cake varies from place to place but generally consists of boiling the kernels with water, stirring them until they form a thick paste, pounding the paste against a mortar and pestle to break up any lumps, adding salt and seasoning before serving. Palm Kernel Cake can be eaten by itself or mixed with other ingredients such as onions, garlic or tomatoes. Palm Kernel Cake can also replace wheat flour when preparing

Palm kernel cake is a food product made from the oil extracted from palm kernels. It can be used for cooking, as feed for livestock and poultry, or in the production of soap. While it has some negative connotations due to its high levels of saturated fat content, palm kernel cake also provides healthy vitamins A and E. Palm kernels are typically grown on plantations that have no other use than producing this type of byproduct. As such they provide an economical way to sustainably produce these nutrients while reducing pressure on land resources.

Palm kernel cake is a common food ingredient in many countries around the world. Palm kernel cake is also known as PPC, and it's made from dried palm fruit that has been ground into a powder. It can be used as an alternative to soybean meal or fishmeal in animal feed, added as a protein supplement for human consumption, or even mixed with water to make a porridge-like dish eaten by locals in Africa and Asia. The use of PPC has increased over the past few years due to its affordability and sustainability. This blog post will give you all the information you need about this versatile product!

Palm kernel cake is a natural product that is made from the crushed and dried kernels of palm tree fruits. It can be obtained in large quantities, which makes it an inexpensive food source for many people across Africa and Asia. Palm kernel cakes are often used as substitutes for cereal grains such as rice or wheat flour, but they may also be eaten raw or roasted like nuts. They have been used to make breads, porridge, soups, stews and desserts. The use of palm kernel cakes has increased due to their low cost and high nutritional value: they contain protein (compared with cereals) and vitamin A (compared with cereal).

Palm kernel cake, also known as PKC, is a food product made from the kernels of palm nuts. It can be used in many ways to enhance flavor and texture in different dishes. In some cases it replaces eggs or flour as an ingredient.  The cakes are rich in calcium, potassium and vitamin E which makes them good for you too!

Palm kernel cake is made by cracking the kernels of palm nuts (mostly African oil palms) with a hammer or machine until they turn into small pieces. This process produces two products: palm oil which has high levels of saturated fats; and palm kernel cake which is mostly protein-based with low levels of saturated fats. Palm kernel cakes are then dried under the sun before being sold on.

Palm kernel cake is a by-product of palm oil production. It's made up of about 85% ground, dried kernels from the fruit. The remaining 15% comes from other ingredients that are added to give it color and flavor--such as sugar, cocoa powder or chocolate chips, vanilla extract, salt, baking soda and coconut milk. Palm kernel cake can be used for many things in our daily life such as an ingredient in cakes or cookies, bread crumbs on fish or chicken before cooking them to make them crispy outside but moist inside.  Palm Kernel Cake is also very nutritious with high levels of protein (about 70%) and fiber which helps your body with digestion!


Palm kernel cake is a natural by-product that has numerous uses, including in the preparation of food. It's rich in protein and vitamins A and E, which makes it a healthy alternative to cereal grains.  Palm kernel cake also provides sustainable production of these nutrients while reducing pressure on land resources. 

People use palm kernel cake for many different things such as an ingredient in cakes or cookies, bread crumbs on fish or chicken before cooking them to make them crispy outside but moist inside. Palm Kernel Cake is also very nutritious with high levels of protein (about 70%) and fiber which helps your body with digestion.

Palm kernel cake is a food for animals or people. It's made from the ground kernels of palm fruit. It has been used more because